Issue 3, 2022: Exploring Decolonial Practices in Caribbean Communitites


HOW TO ORDER: send us an email at Delivery costs in the Netherlands are 4,15 EUR for up to 2kg. We can also arrange a pick up in Amsterdam.

After months of hard work by a large collective of contributors, the 3rd issue of 6 ISLANDS zine is ready to be/ has been published. This issue explores different decolonial practices that live within our Caribbean communities. We are so happy to finally be sharing these decolonial practices with you in this form. A physical copy and FREE digital zine.

Zine release

The release of this 3rd issue of 6 ISLANDS zine was celebrated with our Caribbean community on July 30th at Bar Bario. This was a beautiful evening of conversation, poetry, and Caribbean food, which offered everyone an intimate look into the collective, creative, and decolonial process of making this latest issue of the zine.

About 6 ISLANDS zine

The yearly 6 ISLANDS zine archives the experiences of people from the ABCSSS islands and related communities. The zine is a grassroots way of publishing that gives space to voices that may not fit into dominant narratives about people from ABCSSS communities.

Because we received very many lovely contributions this time, the zine has grown much, both in size and in width. While this will no doubt make reading zine a much richer experience, this has also made the zine more expensive to produce and print. This is partly reflected in the increased price. If you would like to purchase a copy but cannot afford it at this time, do reach out to us and we can figure out something together.

By buying a zine and/or donating, you support the 6 ISLANDS collective to continue making zines and organizing community events. We believe that knowledge should be widely accessible. In addition to a limited re-print (available here) the previous two zines are therefore available to read online or download for free on

Issue 1: Language

Issue 2: Re-Imaging Sex(uality)

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Size: 17,85 x 25,5 cm
Cover: Curious Metallics 300 grams, with silver-white pearl shear effect